2 min read

Show Your Work! by Austin Kleon

"Show Your Work!" by Austin Kleon is a book that emphasizes the importance of building a platform, gaining an audience, and sharing your creative process.
Show Your Work! by Austin Kleon

"Show Your Work!" by Austin Kleon is a book that emphasizes the importance of building a platform, gaining an audience, and sharing your creative process. The book suggests that in order to be successful, you need to be findable in the online world and build sharing into your routine. This means that you should make your work easily accessible to others, and also engage with your audience by sharing your process, rather than just your final products.

The book also encourages stealing influence from other people, which doesn't mean that you should copy other people's work, but instead, it means that you should learn from others and incorporate their ideas into your own work. The book also suggests that you should imagine that your boss reads your blog, which means that you should always be mindful of what you share online.

In addition, the book encourages you to create value in order to gain influence. This means that you should strive to create work that is meaningful and adds value to your audience's lives. The book also emphasizes the importance of collaboration, as it can lead to new and creative ideas.

Overall, "Show Your Work!" is a book that provides practical advice for creatives who are looking to build an online presence and gain an audience for their work. The book is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to learn how to share their work effectively and build a platform that will help them achieve their creative goals.

Here is my hightlight you may find interesting:

  • Be findable
  • Built sharing
  • gain audience
  • Steal like an Artist -> stealing influence from other people
  • Imagine your boss reads your blog
  • Create value and gain your influence

You don’t have to be a genius

  • Creativity is always a collaboration , the result of a mind connected to other minds
  • Share what you love and the people who love the same things will find you

Think Process, Not Product

  • You can decide exactly how much to share, that make a bond with audience, e.g. 100 days to get fit

Share something small every day

  • Ali abbaal have 3million of member (as of June 2023), his first video just have less than 20k view still.
  • 90% of your work is crap, remember it, then you are ok to start now.
  • The point is one day at a time. Ensure it is documented and do progressive summary. Then you don't have to go back where you start.
  • Ideally, you want your work to be steal (Copy)
Sorry, my apple pen from China suck!